Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2007 Redux

Ev says I should reflect on 2007, too, since I remember it slightly better than she does, and I always do what Ev tells me ... so ...

We moved. We unpacked a ton of stuff we'd had stored since the last time we moved. Moving was good.

One of our chickens came home to roost and another is making plans to do the same in a couple of months, so we're gathering our family back to our collective bosom and that's good.

Cuppy lost her eye, which wasn't good, but her second one was saved, which was very good. She also grew some hair this year, which was a nice change.

We went to Memphis, which was a ton of fun -- and Nebraska, which wasn't.

I changed jobs when the Illinois office was sold to a different practice, which was good and may give me a few more years of mobility before my back gives out for good and Ev has to push me around in a wheelchair forever.

Ev's spent almost a year now on the right combination of medications for her TLE, and that's been like a little miracle. She can do without her memory because she has me ... and the blog ... but the seizures were particularly horrible and it's nice to have them mostly gone.

On the downside, Ev's job has gotten more stressful in 2007 because of the Crazy Bitch Twins ... but they're starting to look for other jobs, so the outlook for 2008 is much brighter.

Katie smoked the ACT's and is now officially "the smartest kid in school" AND she still plans to graduate and go to college ... yay! Carrie has the best job she's ever had, doing the thing she dreamed of doing, she's surrounded herself with people she likes to work with and she still loves it after six months ... yay! Grant snuck around behind our backs and turned into a grown-up who works every day and doesn't act like a big dork around people ... yay!

We reconnected with Ev's ex, which is a totally great thing for the kids and for us. We disconnected from a number of people we should have disconnected from years ago, which is also a great thing.

There haven't been a lot of negatives for us in 2007. It's been pretty much a year of steady improvement financially, closer connections with family, stability in our relationship and not too much disaster recovery. When you get past 50 you realize that all those things add up to a pretty damn good year!


Linda said...

Happy New Year goils! It has been a hoot reading about your trials and tribulations. I'm looking forward to more in 2008, oh, and one of my resolutions is to be "dirtier" just for you!

Kwach said...

Woohooo! Corrupted another one!

Jazz said...

I think you should review my year. I have no clue what I've done 24 hours after the fact.

Suzanne Reisman said...

Even at 32, those things sound like a very good year.